Welp, it's November and we're still in the middle of a pandemic. It's looking more and more likely that lockdowns are on the way for the winter. So I'm reluctantly bringing back Grinding the Stream. As per usual, I'm including as many movies as I can per each category as I scour Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Criterion Channel, HBO Max, Fandor, Shudder, Tubi, Midnight Pulp (a "+" will be included wherever subscription fees apply), VUDU’s free selections, The Roku Channel, Popcorn Flix, Crackle, Dark Matter TV, Night Flight, Peacock (a "+" will be included wherever subscription fees apply), Shout Factory TV (though most of their titles can also be watched via Amazon Prime).
Again, be warned – all of the free apps have ad breaks (I know, it sucks) and the video quality is inconsistent from app to app. Sometimes it's genuine HD, other times, it's sub-VHS. I've also included links to my own reviews of some of these films. Giallo (plural: gialli) films aren’t the easiest to define, but tend to be Italian (occasionally Spanish) murder mysteries that skirt the lines between thriller, horror, sexploitation, and sometimes comedy. By the end of the original cycle, the difference between gialli and slashers was nominal.

Mario Bava Gialli
Blood and Black Lace (Italian: Sei donne per l'assassino, 1964) – Amazon Prime, Fandor, and Midnight Pulp
Dario Argento Gialli
Bird with the Crystal Plumage (Italian: L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo, 1970) – Fandor and Tubi
Cat o’ Nine Tails (Italian: Il gatto a nove code, 1971) – Amazon Prime, Shudder, VUDU FREE, Tubi, Night Flight, and Midnight Pulp
Deep Red (Italian: Profondo rosso, 1975) – Amazon Prime, Shudder, VUDU FREE, Dark Matter TV, Popcorn Flix, and Tubi (104 minute cut); Midnight Pulp+ (127 minute cut)
Tenebrae (aka: Tenebre and Unsane, 1982) – Shudder
Opera (aka: Terror at the Opera, 1987) – Amazon Prime, VUDU Free, Night Flight, and Tubi
The Stendhal Syndrome (Italian: La sindrome di Stendhal, 1996) – VUDU FREE
Lucio Fulci Gialli
Don’t Torture a Duckling (Italian: Non si sevizia un paperino, 1972) – Amazon Prime, Shudder, and VUDU FREE
The Psychic (Italian: Sette note in nero; aka: Seven Notes in Black, 1977) – Fandor and Midnight Pulp
The New York Ripper (Italian: Lo squartatore di New York, 1982) – Tubi
Touch of Death (Italian: Quando Alice ruppe lo specchio, 1988) – Amazon Prime (sort of a STV giallo satire and not a very good movie)
Sergio Martino Gialli
The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh (Italian: Lo strano vizio della Signora Wardh; aka: Blade of the Ripper, 1971) – Shudder
All the Colors of the Dark (Italian: Tutti i colori del buio, 1972) – Shudder
Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (Italian: Il tuo vizio è una stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la chiave, 1972) – Amazon Prime, Night Flight, and Midnight Pulp +
Torso (Italian: I corpi presentano tracce di violenza carnale, 1973) – Tubi
The Suspicious Death of a Minor (Italian: Morte sospetta di una minorenne, 1975) – Amazon Prime

Emilio Miraglia Gialli
The Night Evelyn Came Out of Her Grave (Italian: La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba, 1971) – Midnight Pulp and Tubi
Red Queen Kills Seven Times (Italian: La dama rossa uccide sette volte, 1972) – Amazon Prime
Luciano Ercoli Gialli
Death Walks on High Heels (Italian: La morte cammina con i tacchi alti, 1971) – Amazon Prime, Midnight Pulp, and Tubi
Death Walks at Midnight (Italian: La morte accarezza a mezzanotte, 1972) – Midnight Pulp and Tubi
Aldo Lado Gialli
Short Night of the Glass Dolls (Italian: La corta notte delle bambole di vetro; Aldo Lado, 1971) – Night Flight
Who Saw Her Die? (Italian: Chi l'ha vista morire?; Aldo Lado, 1972) – Night Flight and Tubi
Late Night Trains (Italian: L'ultimo treno della notte; aka: Night Train Murders, 1975) – Night Flight (arguably not a giallo, but a good Italian thriller nonetheless)
Antonio Bido Gialli
The Bloodstained Shadow (Italian: Solamente nero, 1978) – Night Flight and Tubi
Watch Me When I Kill (Italian: Il gatto dagli occhi di giada, 1977) – Fandor and Tubi
Lamberto Bava Gialli
Macabre (Italian: Macabro, 1980) – Amazon Prime, VUDU Free, and Tubi
A Blade in the Dark (Italian: La casa con la scala nel buio, 1983) – Amazon Prime and Tubi

Other Classics & Personal Favorites
Death Laid an Egg (Italian: La morte ha fatto l'uovo; Giulio Questi, 1968) – Amazon Prime, Midnight Pulp +, and Tubi (Note that all three feature the edited 88 minute cut, not the 104 minute director's cut. It's still worth seeing.)
In the Folds of the Flesh (Italian: Nelle pieghe della carne; Sergio Bergonzelli, 1970) – Fandor
Black Belly of the Tarantula (Italian: La tarantola dal ventre nero; Paolo Cavara, 1971) – Amazon Prime, Night Flight, and Tubi
The Fifth Cord (Italian: Giornata nera per l'ariete; Luigi Bazzoni, 1971) – VUDU Free
Bloodstained Butterfly (Italian: Una farfalla con le ali insanguinate; Duccio Tessari, 1971) – Amazon Prime
What Have You Done to Solange? (Italian: Cosa avete fatto a Solange?; Massimo Dallamano, 1972) – Amazon Prime, Night Flight, and Midnight Pulp +
Eye in the Labyrinth (Italian: L'occhio nel labirinto; Mario Caiano, 1972) – Amazon Prime and Tubi
Case of the Bloody Iris (Italian: Perché quelle strane gocce di sangue sul corpo di Jennifer?; Giuliano Carnimeo, 1972) – Amazon Prime, VUDU Free, and Tubi
Death Smiles on a Murderer (Italian: La morte ha sorriso all'assassino; Aristide Massaccesi, 1973) – Amazon Prime
Seven Deaths in a Cat’s Eye (Italian: La morte negli occhi del gatto; Antonio Margheriti, 1973) – Night Flight
Autopsy (Italian: Macchie solari; Armando Crispino,1975) – Amazon Prime and Tubi
Bloody Moon (German: Die Säge des Todes; Jess Franco, 1981) – Midnight Pulp + and Tubi
Murder Obsession (Italian: Follia omicida; Riccardo Freda, 1981) – Amazon Prime
Gialli Adjacent
Madhouse (aka: There Was a Little Girl, ...And She Was Bad; Ovidio G. Assonitis, 1981) – Shudder
Nightmare (aka: Nightmares in a Damaged Brain; Romano Scavolini, 1981) – Amazon Prime and Tubi
Pieces (Spanish: Mil gritos tiene la noche; Juan Piquer Simón, 1982) – Shudder and Tubi
StageFright (aka: Deliria, Aquarius; Michele Soavi, 1987) – VUDU Free, and Tubi
All the Colors of Giallo (documentary about gialli; Federico Caddeo, 2019) – Amazon Prime, Midnight Pulp +, and Tubi