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Grinding the Stream August 2020 UPDATES: Italian Horror Films

Writer's picture: Gabe PowersGabe Powers

***This is going to be a mid-monthly tradition now, I guess. At least until social distancing standards are completely abandoned. Maybe even after that. Some updates will be bigger than others – it all depends on what differences I can find.***

Are you self isolating? Are you thinking about broadening your cinematic horizons? Perhaps you’d like to learn about a specific genre? I’m here to help. Now that we've covered giallo (plural: gialli) films, let's move on to the wider world of Italian horror, focusing mostly on the key decades between the '60s and mid-'80s.

Netflix and Hulu have pretty pathetic foreign film selections, not to mention an utter lack of movies made before 1980, so, once again, they weren’t particularly helpful. Amazon Prime has a healthier selection, however, as do a number of free streaming services available via Roku, Amazon Fire, Chromecast, et cetera. I compared a bunch and, for the sake of simplicity, I found the best in terms of content and video quality to be Tubi, Midnight Pulp Midnight Pulp (a "+" will be included wherever subscription fees apply), VUDU’s free selections, The Roku Channel, Shout Factory TV (though most of their titles can also be watched via Amazon Prime), Popcorn Flix, and Dark Matter TV (again, a "+" will be included wherever subscription fees apply). And, of course, other important paid services, namely Criterion Channel, HBO Max, Fandor, and Shudder.

Again, be warned – all of the free apps have ad breaks (I know, it sucks) and the video quality is inconsistent from app to app. Sometimes it's genuine HD, other times, it's sub-VHS. Apologies if I’ve suggested something with particularly grim A/V quality. I've included links to my own reviews of some of these films and be aware that, despite my classifications below, complete director filmographies are not currently available free/subscription streaming.

Dario Argento Horror Movies

  • Suspiria (1977) – Midnight Pulp and Tubi

  • Inferno (1980) – Amazon Prime, Shudder, VUDU Free, and Tubi

  • Phenomena (aka: Creepers; this is the 110 minute version, 1985) – Amazon Prime, Shudder, Midnight Pulp, Tubi, and Popcorn Flix

  • Two Evil Eyes (Italian: Due occhi diabolici; co-directed with George Romero, 1990) – VUDU Free and Popcorn Flix

  • BONUS: Luca Guadagnino's Suspiria remake (2018) is an Amazon production and streaming on Amazon Prime.

Mario Bava Horror Movies

  • Caltiki the Immortal Monster (Italian: Caltiki il mostro immortale; co-directed with Riccardo Freda, 1959) – Amazon Prime, Tubi, and Midnight Pulp

  • Black Sunday (Italian: La maschera del demonio; aka: Mask of Satan, 1960) – Fandor, Midnight Pulp +, and Tubi

  • Black Sabbath (Italian: I tre volti della paura; Italian version, 1963) – Fandor and Midnight Pulp +

  • Hercules in the Haunted World (Italian: Ercole al centro della terra; working title Ercole contro il vampiro, lit: Hercules vs. the Vampire, 1961) – Amazon Prime

  • Planet of the Vampires (Italian: Terrore nello spazio, 1965) – Amazon Prime

  • Baron Blood (Italian: Gli orrori del castello di Norimberga, 1972) – Tubi

  • Lisa and the Devil (Italian: Lisa e il diavolo, 1973) – Amazon Prime and Fandor

  • Shock (Italian: Schock, 1977) – Amazon Prime and Tubi

  • BONUS: Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs (Italian: Le spie vengono dal semifreddo; Mario Bava, 1966) – Amazon Prime (a 007 spy spoof)

  • BONUS 2: Erik the Conqueror (Italian: Gli Invasori; aka: The Invaders and Fury of the Vikings, 1961) – Amazon Prime (a colorful, slightly supernatural Viking adventure)

  • Knives of the Avenger (Italian: I coltelli del vendicatore, 1966) – Tubi (another Viking adventure)

Lucio Fulci Horror Movies

  • Zombie (Italian: Zombi 2; aka: Zombie Flesh Eaters, 1979) – Shudder

  • City of the Living Dead (Italian: Paura nella città dei morti viventi; aka: Gates of Hell, 1980) – Amazon Prime, Shudder, Tubi, and VUDU Free

  • The Beyond (Italian: ...E tu vivrai nel terrore! L'aldilà; aka: 7 Doors of Death, 1981) – Shudder, The Roku Channel, and Dark Matter TV (under the title 7 Doors of Death)

  • The Black Cat (Italian: Gatto nero, 1981) – Amazon Prime and Midnight Pulp

  • House by the Cemetery (Italian: Quella villa accanto al cimitero, 1981) – Shudder

  • Manhattan Baby (aka: Eye of the Evil Dead, 1982) – Amazon Prime

  • Conquest (Italian: La conquista de la tierra perdida, 1983) – Shout Factory TV and Tubi (not technically a horror movie, but a weird, violent fantasy movie)

  • Zombie 3 (Italian: Zombi 3; co-directed with Bruno Mattei, 1988) – Midnight Pulp +

  • BONUS: Contraband (Italian: Luca il contrabbandiere, 1980), Fulci's hyper-violet poliziotteschi, is streaming on Amazon Prime

  • BONUS 2: The Devil's Honey (Italian: Il miele del diavolo; aka: Dangerous Obsession, 1986), more of an erotic thriller than horror movie or giallo, is streaming on Midnight Pulp +

  • BONUS 3: The Wax Mask (Italian: M.D.C.: Maschera di cera, 1996) – Shudder and Tubi (Fulci was set to direct with Argento producing, but he maestro passed away before filming started. Sergio Stivaletti completed the movie as director)

Joe D'Amato (Aristide Massaccesi) Horror Movies

  • Emanuelle in America (1976/77) – Midnight Pulp +

  • Emanuelle & the Last Cannibals (Italian: Emanuelle e gli Ultimi Cannibali; aka: Trap Them and Kill Them, 1977) – Midnight Pulp + (Warning: This film depicts genuine animal butchery)

  • Beyond the Darkness (Italian: Buio Omega; aka: Buried Alive, 1979) – Midnight Pulp + and Tubi

  • Anthropophagous (aka: Anthropophagous: The Beast and The Grim Reaper, 1980) – Midnight Pulp + and Tubi

  • Absurd (Italian: Rosso Sangue; aka: Horrible and The Monster Hunter, 1981) – Midnight Pulp + and Tubi

  • Killing Birds (aka: Zombie 5: Killing Birds; co-directed with Claudio Lattanzi, 1988) – Amazon Prime

  • The Crawlers (aka: Contamination .7; co-directed with Fabrizio Laurenti, 1991) – VUDU Free

Ruggero Deodato Horror Movies

  • Cannibal Holocaust (1980) – Shudder (Warning: This film depicts genuine animal death/butchery)

  • Cut and Run (Italian: Inferno in diretta, 1985) – Amazon Prime, VUDU Free, and Tubi (more of a violent action movie than a true horror movie)

  • Body Count (Italian: Camping del terrore, 1986) – Amazon Prime and Tubi

  • BONUS: Lilith's Hell (2017) – Tubi (Vincenzo Petrarolo directed this meta-horror in which Deodato stars as himself. I have not seen it and cannot guarantee that it's any good.)

Riccardo Freda Horror Movies

  • Caltiki the Immortal Monster (Italian: Caltiki il mostro immortale; co-directed with Mario Bava, 1959) – Amazon Prime, Midnight Pulp, and Tubi

  • The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock (Italian: L'orribile segreto del Dr. Hichcock, 1962) – Amazon Prime

  • The Ghost (Italian: Lo spettro, 1963) – Amazon Prime

Umberto Lenzi Horror Movies

  • Eaten Alive (Italian: Mangiati vivi!, 1980) – Midnight Pulp + and Tubi (Warning: This film depicts genuine animal death/butchery)

  • Cannibal Ferox (1981) – Shudder and Tubi (Warning: This film depicts genuine animal death/butchery)

  • Ghosthouse (Italian: La casa 3, 1988) – Amazon Prime, Shout Factory TV, and Tubi

Antonio Margheriti Horror Movies

  • The Long Hair of Death (Italian: I Lunghi Capelli della Morte, 1964) – Amazon Prime

  • Castle of Blood (Italian: Danza macabra, 1964) – Tubi

  • Killer Fish (Italian: Killer Fish - L'agguato sul fondo, 1979) – Amazon Prime, Tubi, and Shout Factory TV

Lamberto Bava Horror Movies

  • Macabre (Italian: Macabro, 1980) – Amazon Prime, VUDU Free, and Tubi

  • Devilfish (Italian: Shark: Rosso nell'oceano, 1984) – Amazon Prime

  • Demons (Italian: Demoni; Lamberto Bava, 1985) – Shudder and Popcorn Flix

  • Demons 2 (Italian: Demoni 2... L'incubo ritorna; Lamberto Bava, 1986) – Shudder and Popcorn Flix

Michele Soavi Horror Movies

  • StageFright (aka: Deliria, Aquarius; Michele Soavi, 1987) – Amazon Prime, VUDU Free, and Tubi

  • The Church (Italian: La chiesa; Michele Soavi, 1989) – Amazon Prime

Bruno Mattei and/or Claudio Fragasso Horror Schlock

  • Hell of the Living Dead (Italian: Virus; aka: Night of the Zombies, 1980) – Amazon Prime, Fandor, and Tubi

  • The Other Hell (Italian: L'altro inferno; Mattei solo, 1981) – Amazon Prime, Midnight Pulp +, and Tubi

  • Monster Dog (Italian: Leviatán; Fragasso solo, 1984) – Tubi

  • Zombie 3 (Italian: Zombi 3; co-directed by Lucio Fulci & Mattei, 1988) – Midnight Pulp +

  • Zombie 4: After Death (Italian: After Death - Oltre la morte; Fragasso solo, 1989) – Midnight Pulp +

  • Night Killer (Fragasso solo, 1990) – Tubi

The Rest (some of these are terrible, but that's their charm)

  • Atom Age Vampire (Italian: Seddok, l'erede di Satana; Anton Giulio Majano, 1960) – Amazon Prime and Tubi

  • Curse of the Blood Ghouls (Italian: La strage dei vampiri; aka: Slaughter of the Vampires; Roberto Mauri,1962) – Amazon Prime, Tubi, and Shout Factory TV

  • The Blancheville Monster (Italian: Horror; Alberto De Martino, 1963) – Amazon Prime

  • Terror in the Crypt (Italian: La cripta e l'incubo; aka: Crypt of the Vampire; Camillo Mastrocinque, 1964) – Amazon Prime

  • Bloody Pit of Horror (Italian: Il boia scarlatto; Massimo Pupillo, 1965) – Amazon Prime, Fandor, and Tubi

  • Nightmare Castle (Italian: Amanti d'oltretomba; Mario Caiano, 1965) – Fandor, Midnight Pulp +, Tubi, and Popcorn Flix

  • Beyond the Door (Italian: Chi sei?; Ovidio G. Assonitis, 1974) – Amazon Prime, Shudder, and Tubi

  • Slave of the Cannibal God (Italian: La montagna del dio cannibale; Sergio Martino, 1978 – Amazon Prime and Tubi (Warning: This film depicts genuine animal death/butchery)

  • The Great Alligator (Italian: Il fiume del grande caimano; Sergio Martino, 1981) – Amazon Prime

  • Burial Ground (Italian: Le notti del terrore; Andrea Bianchi, 1981) – Amazon Prime and Popcorn Flix

  • Witchery (Italian: La Casa 4; Fabrizio Laurenti, 1988) – Amazon Prime, Tubi, and Shout Factory TV

  • The Black Cat (Italian: Il gatto nero; Luigi Cozzi, 1989) – Amazon Prime (A would-be sequel to Suspiria and Inferno)

  • Metamorphosis (Luigi Montefiori, 1990) – Amazon Prime, Tubi, and Shout Factory TV

  • Dark Waters (Italian: Temnye vody; Mariano Baino, 1993) Amazon Prime, Shudder, and Tubi



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